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Suur-Savon Sähkö - Lempeä Lämpö

The Suur-Savon Sähkö Group supplies heat and maintains the electricity distribution network in the Lake Finland area. Lempeä is part of the Suur-Savon Sähkö Group, which supplies environmentally friendly district heating to homes and properties in Finnish Lakeland. The aim of the project was to modernise and clarify the brand image, to engage and improve customer loyalty and to clarify the Group's overall structure internally as well. The new brand and its essence were discovered in joint workshops.

Cooperation with Blink was straightforward and you could see from everything that their toolbox was in order.

Johanna Rautio Head of Communications, SUUR-SAVON SÄHKÖ

Starting point

Suur-Savon Sähkö was founded in 1946 to provide electricity in the region, but over the years the company's business has changed. The group's electricity sales have been incorporated as Lumme Energia, while Järvi-Suomen Energia is responsible for the transmission network.

Despite its name, you could only buy district heat from Suur-Savon Sähkö. So there was a problem with the brand – Suur-Savon Sähkö stood for both the group and district heating.

– We wanted to clarify our brand architecture and bring local district heating closer to our customers, says Head of Communications Johanna Rautio.

See the video in Finnish


By looking at the brand's history, buyer personas and buyer's journeys, we highlighted the brand story and unique competitive advantage.

- Eight people from Suur-Savon Sähkö participated in the workshops and meetings held over the two days, from the CEO to customer service and four Blink experts, says Strategic Planner Kimmo Saarinen from Blink.

On this foundation we built together, we created a new name and a new look that reflects the quality of district heating in Lake Finland.

In addition we executed:

  •  website
  • A brand film that tells a story to both internal and external audiences
  • Brand images that combine a unique competitive advantage with the operational situation
  • A content strategy to implement the message to different channels
  • The internal launch and its events
  • An external launch consisting of a local digital, print and TV campaigns

Suur-Savon Sähko's district heating is now Lempeä - heat from Lake Finland.

- Effective workshop methods and mutual trust made it possible to find a new direction, says Blink Helsinki Managing Director Antti Tolonen.

- There was a great story behind this. In addition, our client was open-minded and bold, but also unpretentiously honest and direct, says designer Timo Vennonen.


  • Clear working methods enabled the best outcome.
  • All decisions were based on facts, including creative solutions.
  • The brand was enthusiastically received by staff, customers and other stakeholders.




Suur-Savon Sähkö Oy is a Finnish energy group based in Mikkeli, whose business activities include electricity network services as well as heat and electricity sales. 

See also

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Antti Tolonen Managing Director 050 348 0347