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Reaching forest owners and promoting multi-objective forest management

In September 2023, MTK (The Central Union of Agricultural Producers and Forest Owners) and the Finnish Forestry Associations organised the Metsämarssi (Forest March) campaign, which aimed to reach 600,000 Finnish forest owners, highlight multi-objective forest management and increase owners' pride in their forest treasure.

What happened on channel

The channel became the home of the Forest March, with dozens of videos produced. The videos explained how forest owners can best preserve their forest and highlighted the importance of forests to Finnish society.


To ensure the diversity and appeal of the content, the channel also produced videos that encouraged people to enjoy the many different forest experiences. The videos included yoga in the forest, cooking on a campfire and learning the secrets of nature photography.

Visualisation of the concept phase

A multi-channel campaign raised awareness of Forest March

Forest March was promoted through a multi-channel advertising campaign, which directed visitors to the channel. The Forest March was seen in print and social media, as well as in digital and display advertising.

Visualisations of the concept phase
Visualisation of the concept phase

The visibility and attractiveness of the Forest March was also increased through collaboration with influencers. Finnish cross-country skier Perttu Hyvärinen and female farmer Amski, among others, highlighted their relationship with forests.

Metsämarssi oli menestys

Metsämarssi oli onnistunut tempaus, joka saavutti komeasti kaikki sille asetetut tavoitteet.

We spread the good news of multi-objective forest management in a cost-effective way.

  • ~ 5,180,000 ad impressions
  • abt 2,664,000 pairs of eyes
  • 35 565 € media cost

We reached out to forest owners and people interested in forests.

On Facebook and Instagram, we reached over 836,000 user accounts organically.

We talked, engaged and involved.

  • 31 900 clicks
  • 14,8 % click-through rate
  • 62,4 % sky-high levels of engagement
Visualisation of the concept phase

See all the Forest March videos: 

The The Central Union of Agricultural Producers and Forest Owners (MTK) is a trade union and interest organisation for farmers, forest owners and rural entrepreneurs. MTK ry, SLC r.f. and the Forest Management Associations organised the Forest March from 11 to 17 September 2023 to raise awareness of multi-objective forest management and increase the value of forest ownership. 

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+358 400 394 842
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