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New website fuels Jymy Jäätelö's rapid growth

We implemented a redesigned website for Jymy Jäätelo that is easy to use, responsive and in line with the new brand identity. The aim was to use the new site more strongly in Jymy's marketing, so adding new content to the site had to be super easy. The new site was also intended to clarify the brand identity, which was relaunched in 2023, with pink at its heart.

The site redesign also brought security issues in place at once, with HubSpot taking care of the site's security settings and firewall. There is also no need for third-party add-ons, as all the necessary tools are available in HubSpot's various Hubs.

Mockup of the front page of the redesigned website

Multiple marketing objectives were set for the new site

From a marketing perspective, it is important that any website strongly reflects the company's brand, its story and its product or service offering. Jymy's website redesign focused on these issues, and the objectives of the project were to provide a clearer product range, tell the Jymy story, clarify the content structure of the site and align the brand.


The project was launched with a joint workshop

The website project started with a joint workshop, where we explored the Jymy Jäätelö brand and target groups, project objectives and responsibilities.

After the workshop, a project plan and a table of responsibilities were drawn up to serve as the cornerstones of the project.

Illustration of the Hero module of the redesigned Jymy Jäätelö website
Havainnekuva verkkosivuston rakennesuunnitelmasta ja layout-suunnitelmasta vierekkäin

From content structure towards visual design

The design of the new website started with the creation of a sitemap. The sitemap outlined the navigational structure of the site.

The sitemap was followed by a wireframe modelling of the pages using the Figma design tool. In the wireframe model, the content structure of each page was outlined without styles.

The visual layout plan concretizes the website

Once the client had approved the wireframe plan, the design of the site's layout was started. The design was created on top of Figma's existing wireframe model.

Screenshot of the Figma Design System used on a website project
Three illustrations of the new Jymy Jäätelö website

The new website was built on HubSpot using the Blink Helsinki website theme

Once the visual layout plan was approved, the designs could be implemented exactly identically in the HubSpot website templates. The new website was built using the website theme developed by Blink Helsinki, which allows for a fully integrated implementation between Figma's designs and HubSpot's content management system.

The customer was very satisfied with the result

Working with the experts at Blink has been really smooth! At the beginning of the project, we shared our goals for the redesign of this site, and then we moved from design to implementation based on the goals we set. Special thanks to Blink for their professional and flexible project management.

Jaana Heikkilä Marketing & Sales Director, Jymy Jäätelö / Suomisen Maito Oy