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Kerabit Roof Renovations

A new business area was launched with a Roof Manager

Kerabit's construction and installation business was previously focused on large projects, and its customer base consisted mainly of b-to-b target groups: developers, construction companies, real estate and housing associations. In spring 2024, however, Kerabit made a new foray into this area by setting up the Kerabit Roof Renovations business unit and starting to contract roof renovations for small and detached houses for consumer customers.

Roof renovation for private houses is a fiercely competitive sector, with countless players competing for contracts. A successful launch therefore required a major and distinctive launch campaign with a clear message.

The Roof Manager is in charge of everything

The first nut to crack in the launch planning was to consider what core message would differentiate us from the competition – all the roof renovation contractors are experienced professionals who offer a high-quality finish at a competitive price.

After much deliberation, the differentiator was found. When you order a roof renovation from Kerabit, a dedicated project manager is assigned to the job and is responsible for the smooth execution of the renovation from start to finish.

By putting the project manager in the spotlight, Kerabit was able to increase its appeal and give a face to the operation. The project manager was also instrumental in dispelling the fears and doubts that inevitably arise in the consumer's mind concerning any construction project.

However, a project manager is not very attractive from an advertising point of view, so to make the Kerabit project managers more distinctive and interesting, they were named as Roof Managers.


With a designated Roof Manager in charge of the renovation project, the customer can breathe easier. The Roof Manager keeps the customer informed and is always available to answer any questions related to the renovation.

The Roof Manager is the roof renovation client's trusted person, and when you look at him, you can't help but admire him: "On se päällikkö." – translated as "What a boss."

A multi-media campaign brought the Roof Manager to the public's attention

Television was chosen as the main medium for the campaign, as it remains an unbeatable medium for creating brand awareness and emotional connection. In addition to television, the Roof Manager was seen and heard on the radio, in newspapers, in the digital world and on social media.

At the heart of the campaign was a 30-second TV film featuring Kerabit's Roof Manager as its natural hero.

A 15-second version of the TV film was also cut and run alongside the main film as a reminder.


The Roof Manager also got his message heard in radio advertisements, although he had no lines to say.


Digital and social media advertising

For digital and social media advertising, a tactical 10-second video of the Roof Manager was also made.


Digital, social media and print

As part of the launch, an extensive digital and social media campaign was carried out to increase awareness and traffic to the Kerabit Roof Renovations website on the one hand and generate sales leads from single-family homeowners planning a roof renovation on the other.

Visibility in print media was ensured by print advertisements in Kärkimedia newspapers.


To support successful sales discussions, support materials were produced for Kerabit Roof Renovation salespeople, including a sales booklet for customer encounters and a brochure personalised with the salesperson's details to leave with customers.





Kerabit is part of the Nordic Waterproofing Group. It manufactures bituminous roofing products and roofing elements, contracts roofs and facades, designs and builds solar power plants, makes demanding floor and marine coatings as well as industrial surface treatments and provides roof maintenance services